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Green Acres

Keeahna Bowen

           Most are familiar with the old show, Green Acres, about a man and his wife that decide to move from New York City to a country farm. In the theme song, the first verse, sung by the husband is, “Green Acres is the place to be/Farm living is the life for me/Land spreading out so far and wide/keep Manhattan just give me that countryside” (“Green Acres Theme Lyrics”). Why exactly did he say, “Farm living is the life for me?” Because life in the country is much more sustainable for everyday life. The next verse of the theme song is sung by his wife and is, “New York is where I'd rather stay/I get allergic smelling hay/I just adore a penthouse view/Darling, I love you, but give me Park Avenue” (“Green Acres Theme Lyrics”). At the end of the song, they settle by moving to a rural farm in the country. Although this is a fictional example, many residents of the city do choose to move to the country. There are many reasons that life in the country is better than life in the city such as the cost of living being cheaper, the relationships that are built, and living a more relaxed, peaceful life.

              The first reason that life in the country is better than the big city is because the cost of living is much cheaper. In New York City, monthly rent for a 900-square foot furnished accommodation locates in a normal area is $2,958. (“Cost of Living in New York City, United States”).  In a small town like Hodgenville, Kentucky, the cost of living is 19.30% lower than the U.S. average. (“Quick Facts About Hodgenville”).

The second reason that people should choose to live in the country, rather than the city is because the relationships that are made in the country, can’t be found in the city. I recently took a trip to New York City. While I was there, I was shocked at how unfriendly everyone was with one another. When I smiled at someone that I met while walking down the street, I received a confused look almost as if the person was saying, “Is she really smiling at me?” I was a little taken back by this, but then realized that these people hadn’t grown up in a small town like I had. Where I grew up, it was very hard to run to the local gas station without running into someone that you knew. Many small towns are rooted in agriculture, and agriculture is what brings these people together. In the small town that I grew up in, I lived on a farm. There was a widowed lady that lived down the road from us that had a lot of land that needed to be worked up to plant crops, but it wasn’t going to get done because her husband had passed away. My dad saw the need that she had and decided to take the problem into his hands and help her out. “In the country, everyone knows everyone and people actually say ‘hello’. Communities in the country are much smaller but they are more connected and open. People in the country are really friendlier and are prepared to help without asking anything in return.” (“Advantages of Country Life over City Dwelling”).

            There is no doubt that the crime rate is higher in large cities. This is due to the population being much higher in cities and suburbs while the population is much smaller in rural communities.  “In 2012, the rate of violent victimizations reported by victims to the NCVS was 3,240 per 100,000 persons age 12 or older in urban areas, 2,380 per 100,000 persons age 12 or older in suburban areas, and 2,090 per 100,000 persons age 12 or older in rural areas.” (“Urban and Rural Crime”). In heavily populated areas where there are diverse groups of people living close together, it is more likely to see higher crime rates.

           The third reason that life in the country is better than life in the city is because life in the country is much more relaxed and slow paced. “In the country, you can escape the noise of traffic and the stress of crowds. Take a deep breath, confident in knowing that the air you’re breathing is not contaminated by fumes created by cars and factories. Being in the countryside and close to nature is incredibly soothing for the mind and body. Enjoy a breathtaking view or wake up to the sounds of birds singing, not the sound of traffic.” (“City Life or Country Life”). Instead of breathing in the polluted air being produced by factories in large cities, those who live in the country can take deep breaths of clean oxygen. Instead of waking up to the sound of horns honking and people on the streets yelling, those in the country wake up to the sound up birds chirping which is much more of a relaxed feeling. In fact, when living in the country, you wake up to the view that countless people drive hours just to see.

           City life can be very overwhelming and stressful, mostly by the cause of traffic, crowds, and the rushed feeling caused by people walking down the street in a hurried manor. The country life is run at a much slower pace. Sometimes, when driving somewhere, you will get stuck behind an Amish “buggy” and get to where you’re going about 15 minutes later than you were supposed to.  It is true, however, that life in the country is not for everyone. Some residents of metropolitan areas need the comfort of knowing that there is a grocery store five minutes down the road, and cannot begin to fathom not having access to a hospital within 30 minutes of their homes. For residents of the country, this is not a major concern.

           Life in the country is much more pleasing and relaxing than life in the city. There are farmer’s markets where you can get fresh produce and small town shops where you can buy things that have been locally made, along with handmade items. Like the husband in the famous Green Acres song said… “Green Acres is the place to be.” The country life offers a cheaper cost of living, strong relationships built around community, and living a more relaxed, peaceful life.








Works Cited

“Advantages of Country Life over City Dwelling.” 2012.       Accessed 30. April 2017.

“Cost of Living in New York City, United States.” 22. April 2017. Accessed 22. April 2017

“Quick Facts About Hodgenville.” 2017.      Accessed 22. April. 2017

“City Life or Country Life.” 11. Nov 2014.

     Accessed 24.      April 2017.

“Green Acers Theme Lyrics.” 2017.   Accessed 29. April        2017.

“Urban and Rural Crime.” 2015.              content/uploads/2015/09/2015ncvrw_stats_urbanrural.pdf. Accessed 29. April 2017.

“Beautiful+Pictures+of+the+Countryside.” Google Search, Google, Accessed 4 May 2017                              

“Green+Acres.” Google Search, Google, Accessed 4 May 2017.                                                 

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